
The Truth

Well, this last month has been very busy and good. I have been working, hanging with the family, winning a $1000 from my company and was GIVEN tickets to a concert. It is amazing. Just that simple. AMAZING!!

In this last month I also had a light bulb go off. I am not fat anymore. I am actually a skinny type of chick. I do have some lumps and curves and rolls from losing so much weight and having 5 kiddos. And I am beginning to love the some of those lumps and curves. It is not such a bad thing. After almost four years post surgery I am beginning to really like myself.

This is the picture that turned that light buld on.

That is me in the middle, my daughter on the left and my yoga instructor/friend on the right. I am the oldest in this pic and look pretty good for almost 43. 

Looking in the mirror is not easy yet and I still have a mental imagine at times of a person who is 100 pounds larger than what I am. It is a circle thought process for me. I know that when I go shopping not to head to the plus size and I can get either a small or medium in pants and shirts but it doesn't always click when I looking in the mirror. 

It isn't as bad as it once was. I can look more often in the mirror and know that I a beautiful, intelligent, amazing and gifted woman. Then, something will happen or I will have a bad day and my mind flips the negative switch. That switch turns on the voices and lighted mirror in my head that says I am worthless, fat and unloved.

I call crap on that one more and more often. I am able to call crap on it more often due to lots of growing and trusting myself. Yes, trusting myself. I haven't really trusted myself for a very long time. It is weird to say that but it is true. I love trusting myself. 

I trust myself for so many things. What to make for dinner, how to run my business, how to raise my kiddos, how to love my husband, how to be a friend, daughter and sister. 

As I am trusting myself, I am rebuilding boundaries, relationships and love for what I do. How freaking amazing is that? I think is the most wonderful in the world. Trusting in yourself is the first step to succeeding in whatever you want to do. 

What do you need to trust yourself in to succeed?




Everyone has their own vision, definition, idea of success. For most people it is winning, achieving a bigger paycheck, graduating from some sort of school, getting married and starting a family. All huge wonderful, life changing events. 

What of the little things? For instance, getting to work on time, not eating a doughnut when you really want to, going for a walk, trying a new food or buying that dress? Have you thought about celebrating the little things like you do the big things? 

As a business owner we are programmed to celebrate the huge successes. But what would happen if we celebrated the small things? Saying hi to a a total stranger, making contact with someone who scares you, deciding to try a new approach. Those are small things. Those small things are the things that NEED to be celebrated in some type of way. Whether is a meal, sharing that feat with someone by telling them, or just going to get a cup of coffee celebrate it!

You see, when you celebrate the small goals you set yourself up for further success. You recognize the fact that the big goals require small goals to become a HUGE success. Small brush strokes to a larger picture, small pieces of the puzzle coming together is worth celebrating. Without these small steps would you make it to the bigger goal? I don't think so.

It is perfectly alright to give yourself permission to celebrate you as you work through the small steps. You are worth the celebration of every small breakthrough, small steps taken, and goals met.

What will you be celebrating this week?


Family Time

Today was epic! No other way to explain how completely awesome today was. It started off with me off to work at 4 am. Then it was to a track meet for these three boys that I missed by about 15 minutes. So we had lunch and then Turner Falls we went.
Turner Falls is completely relaxing and gorgeous. Even with all the people around it was relaxing. The water was flipping cold but refreshing. Laughs were had and smiles the whole time. 
That was what made today good. Today was needed after a week of work, stress and fighting. It was not all sunshine and butterflies around here. 
Today brought us back together a family and reminded us of the joy we have with each other. today was a day to let things go and begin anew. Today was total fun and play. Today will never come again but the smiles will remain in our memories for an entirety. That is what today needs to be about. Not just today, but tomorrow and the day after. Don't let the days go by without smiling and laughing with those that you love. Life is to short for that.


Family Affirmation--A Work In Progress

This is our family affirmation wall.
It brings a smile to my face. I love it and it brings me hope. I believe in affirmations of any type. I do because affirmations are positive and can create change in yourself, the world and your situation. I have seen it happen on a regular basis. 

Then I look at my family. We love each other and support each other but are not always nice to each other. Just not on a regular basis. I am going to change that fact. My truth is that I am a great mom, I am a great wife and my family is a great family. 

It just doesn't happen over night. Or even in a short amount of time. It can take months or years. I just know that as long as we are moving forward, I as I know that I am growing, we are doing it right. I have to remember that as we grow and change certain things will become more evident. I need to be patient. I need to love the moment I am in and let my family be.

It is difficult to let them be, but I must. In order, for my family to grow into separate, unique people I need to let them be. So, when it becomes crazy around her I will choose to stop, breathe and read my family affirmation wall. In the end, all will work out perfect for each of my kiddos and husband. I choose to be content and love where they are. 

That also makes my heart smile.



Hello!! Hello!! Is there anyone out there? :) I am dusting off the cobwebs once again and going back to writing. I have a few good things to say and decided to share with the world. But first let me ask you a question.... What would you like to hear from me? I know what I want to say but if you have a subject, idea or totally cool give away idea let me know. I am open to almost anything.