


Everyone has their own vision, definition, idea of success. For most people it is winning, achieving a bigger paycheck, graduating from some sort of school, getting married and starting a family. All huge wonderful, life changing events. 

What of the little things? For instance, getting to work on time, not eating a doughnut when you really want to, going for a walk, trying a new food or buying that dress? Have you thought about celebrating the little things like you do the big things? 

As a business owner we are programmed to celebrate the huge successes. But what would happen if we celebrated the small things? Saying hi to a a total stranger, making contact with someone who scares you, deciding to try a new approach. Those are small things. Those small things are the things that NEED to be celebrated in some type of way. Whether is a meal, sharing that feat with someone by telling them, or just going to get a cup of coffee celebrate it!

You see, when you celebrate the small goals you set yourself up for further success. You recognize the fact that the big goals require small goals to become a HUGE success. Small brush strokes to a larger picture, small pieces of the puzzle coming together is worth celebrating. Without these small steps would you make it to the bigger goal? I don't think so.

It is perfectly alright to give yourself permission to celebrate you as you work through the small steps. You are worth the celebration of every small breakthrough, small steps taken, and goals met.

What will you be celebrating this week?

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